NEW T3R T-Shirt w/ Mazda Logo
$20 + Free Shipping!
Looking to support Thing3 Racing but don't know how? Buy one of these fresh team t-shirts and get a free sticker to go with it! Wear often and send us a picture when you do
SIZES: S , M , L, XL
COLORS: Blue or Black

T3R Mechanic Shop Shirt
$30.00 + Free shipping!
Looking to look fresh while wrenching on your very own Thing3 all while suporting your favorite race team? Buy one of these snazzy looking mechanic shirts and button up or down with pride!
SIZES: S , M , L , XL , XXL
COLOR: Black with grey stripe

T36 Polo Shirts
$25 + Free Shipping!
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T3R T-Shirt (Blue or Black)
$15 + Free Shipping!
Looking to support Thing3 Racing but don't know how? Buy one of these fresh team t-shirts and get a free sticker to go with it! Wear often and send us a picture when you do
SIZES: S , M , L, XL
COLORS: Blue or Black

T3R 4" Sticker
$3 + Free Shipping or $1 with a Shirt!
Proudly slap this 4" sticker on anything and everything to display your love of Thing3